GRAPEVINE, TEXAS (April 22, 2015) - Celebrate National Travel and Tourism Week in Grapevine, May 2 -10. Grapevine's hospitality industry provides more than 28,000 jobs and is a key driver in the economic development of the city. The week-long celebration will highlight this exciting industry in Grapevine at a variety of events.

National Travel and Tourism Week events include:

Saturday, May 2
3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. - Grapevine Photo Tour
Meet the Grapevine CVB Team for a walking tour along Historic Main Street or hop aboard the Grapevine Visitors Shuttle for a driving tour of Lake Grapevine and Gaylord Texan Resort. Interested persons should meet at 3:30 p.m. at the Grapevine Visitors Information Center, 636 S. Main St.

5 - 9 p.m. - Grapevine Art Dealers Spring Gallery Night
Join the six fine art galleries of the Grapevine Art Dealers Association and enjoy beautiful works of art and delicious food at the Spring Gallery Night in Historic Downtown Grapevine.

Tuesday, May 5
7 p.m. - Grapevine City Council Meeting - Mayor's Proclamation
Grapevine Mayor William D. Tate will read a proclamation at the Grapevine City Council Meeting honoring National Travel and Tourism Week and Grapevine's Hospitality Industry.

Wednesday, May 6
Wear Red Day
Grapevine Hospitality Industry professionals, as well as community leaders, residents and visitors, are encouraged to wear red to celebrate National Travel and Tourism Week. Cookies and lemonade will be served all day at the Grapevine Visitors Information Center, 636 S. Main St.

Friday, May 8

"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" exhibition, based on the book by L. Frank Baum opens at the Grapevine Tower Gallery, 636 S. Main St. The exhibition is free and open Mondays - Fridays, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday, noon - 5 p.m. The exhibition will be in Grapevine through August 21.

Throughout the week, banners celebrating National Travel and Tourism Week will be displayed on the Town Square Gazebo and the Cotton Belt Depot. The Grapevine Visitors Shuttle will provide complimentary rides to Grapevine citizens throughout the week and the Grapevine CVB will be showcasing area hospitality professionals through the CVB's social media channels.

National Travel and Tourism Week was established by a congressional resolution in 1983 and celebrated for the first time in 1984.

For more information, call the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau at 817-410-3185 or visit www.GrapevineTexasUSA.com.



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