GRAPEVINE, TEXAS (September 21, 2017) – Celebrating Grapevine’s artistic offerings, the member galleries of the Grapevine Art Dealers Association (GADA) will host A Taste of Art on October 7, 2017 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event takes place at each of the five GADA galleries located in Historic Downtown Grapevine.  

A Taste of Art showcases the fine arts in Grapevine by offering a delightful evening of high quality art for collectors and art lovers to enjoy.  Take a walk along the vibrant Historic Main Street for an evening of fine art paired with exciting signature food and wine tastings set among paintings, sculpture, artists and glass blowing.  There are a limited number of tickets available at Ticket holders may start their tour at any gallery.

A Taste of Art tickets will include entry to the following five galleries:

  • Giddens Gallery of Fine Art, 624 S. Main St. - Owners Cherie and John Giddens offer a vast variety of local and award-winning artists’ works from paintings to sculpture in glass, clay, wood and metal. Beautiful works of art fill the walls of this diverse gallery. Paintings include watercolors by Cherie Giddens.
  • Great American West Gallery, 332 S. Main St. – See the finest western artists in the world at this incredible gallery. This historic setting complements the paintings and bronzes of Native Americans, frontiersmen, cavalry, pioneers, cowboys, and ranchers set among expansive landscapes.
  • Holder Dane Gallery and Art Studios, 701 S Main St., suite 100 - Holder Dane Gallery is an intriguing setting where you will find oil paintings, pastels, bronze, wood, and clay sculpture, contemporary art jewelry and fine pottery - a pleasing variety of work by highly acclaimed local and national artists. Many of the artists will be present to talk about their art.
  • Vetro Glassblowing Studio & Gallery, 701 S. Main St., suite 103 - Surround yourself with a cascade of color in vibrant glass sculpture and delightful light-filled objects at this fine art working studio. The Vetro gallery houses many fine glass artists’ work and glass jewelry. Seating is available for guests to watch the glass blowers create these unique works of art.
  • The Tower Gallery, 636 S. Main St. – Located inside the Grapevine Convention and Visitors Bureau headquarters, the Tower Gallery will showcase the Pastel Society of the Southwest’s Annual Juried Show.  Grapevine Museums | View Museums & Galleries

For more information, visit the or contact any of the GADA member galleries. For more information about Grapevine, please contact the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau at 800-457-6338 or 817-410-3185 or visit


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