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Get the GuideThe Gaylord Texan Resort brings the magic of a winter wonderland indoors with its annual ICE! exhibit, featuring more than 2 million pounds of colorful, hand-carved sculptures. You’ll pile on a heavy parka (provided, but bring a pair of gloves) and stroll through a maze of themed ice sculptures throughout a 14,000-square-foot exhibit hall with 2 million pounds of ice carved by more than 40 ice sculptors into symbols of Christmas and well-known, Christmas animated characters. There are also huge ice slides to ride down. ICE! also boasts one-and-a-half million twinkling lights, 12,000 ornaments, a 52-foot-tall rotating Christmas tree and a life-sized gingerbread house. The temperature inside the exhibit is a chilly 9 degrees so make sure everyone is dressed warmly.
For questions about ICE! contact the Gaylord Texan directly at 817-778-1000 or visit the website.
Experience the magic of ICE! at the Gaylord Texan and so much more!