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Get the GuideGrapeFest® features a wide variety of products and businesses, ranging from food, artists, clothing, hand-crafted gifts, wine accessories and more. We would love to help you showcase your product and services.
Vendor applications for the 38th Annual Grapefest® are now closed. The CVB team is reviewing applications and will be contacting vendors soon on or before Thursday, August 8.
Updated vendor descriptions:
Commercial Food Vendor – Any business or organization serving and selling food or drink that will be consumed on site, including food trailers, food carts or tents and concessions stands. Food vendors may only sell non-alcoholic drinks, such as soda, smoothies, lemonade, coffee and tea. This applies to any vendor selling pre-packaged food.
Grapevine Civic/Non-Profit Food Vendor – Approved non-profit organizations or civic group serving and selling food or drink that will be consumed on site, including food trailers, food carts or tents and concessions stands. Food vendors may only sell non-alcoholic drinks, such as water, soda, smoothies, lemonade, coffee and tea. This applies to any vendor selling pre-packaged food.
For any questions, please call Diana O'Bryan at 817.410.3184 or email her at dobryan@grapevinetexasusa.com.